The Northern Children’s Book Festival Gala Day

Northern Children's Book Festival The Great Chocoplot Chris Callaghan

It was a real joy to take part in the Northern Children’s Book Festival Gala Day in Middlesborough alongside so many authors and performers (I wont list them in case I miss anyone and upset them!).

Talking Chocolate!

I had a ‘Sell-Out’ audience (the tickets were free, but I’m still calling it that!) and they were brilliant. They even laughed and clapped in the appropriate places! What more could a guy ask for?

My 'sell out' audience!


Signing books - love it!

I got to chat with readers, fellow authors, sign books and meet lots (and lots) of enthusiastic librarians, booksellers and fantastic volunteers. Click here for a Storify selection of tweets and pics.

A totally wonderful day!

the beautiful view of Middlesborough from my event.