It’s been a mad few weeks, for all the best reasons.
I’ve been book signing in a number of Waterstones. Yeah – like a proper grown-up author with a chair, table and everything! Getting to scribble in a book that you’ve written, for someone who is going to read it, is crazy wonderful! And quite nerve-wracking. I’m always worried no one is going to turn up. Luckily, quite a few did, and they were all lovely. I’m still doing more to come, so please keep checking my ‘Events’ page.
Also, I was involved in a mad cap scheme called the ‘Great North Author Tour’, alongside fellow writers Dan Smith, Em Lynas, Chloe Daykin and the incredible (soon to become legendary) Richard from Drake’s Bookshop. We were celebrating the start of Independent Book Shop Week by visiting six independent book shops scattered around our region (see earlier post for venues). We received such a warm welcome in all the shops – although I suspect that most of the customers didn’t have a clue who we were! It was so much fun and I’m sure this is an event that will get bigger and bigger.
It was a thrill to be invited along to the North East Book Awards – even though I wasn’t nominated (but I’m not bitter!). It was exciting, but terrifying, to be sharing a stage with a host of amazing authors like Ross Welford (nominated for ‘The 1000 Year Old Boy’ and who did some magic!), Mitch Johnson (nominated for ‘Kick’ and speaking intensely about child labour in Indonesia) and my fellow ‘Tour’ authors Chloe Daykin and Dan Smith. We listened to the passionate readers on why they had enjoyed reading the fantastic shortlist. Huge congratulations to Helena Duggan (who unfortunately couldn’t be there) for winning the award with ‘A Place Called Perfect’. It was a wonderful evening.
There’s also been my regular school visits too. It’s been hectic, but so much fun.
And there’s lots more coming. So please stayed tuned …