- Lottie’s Excited Chocolate Face! (Thanks Trace for photo)
- World Book Day Panic (Pic by Doug Moody)
- I think these faces say it all! (Thanks for the pic Jo)
- Malvin’s Close Chocolate Panic Faces
- Thanks to Hazlewood Primary for this Panic Pic!
- Panic on World Book Day (Pic by Doug Moody)
- Percy Main Primary Panic!
- Mass #ChocolatePanicFace
- Thanks to Jen Morgan for this great pic. It is the only way to read it!!
- Seven Stories Panic (Thanks to @DrHGibson Twitter)
- Panic from Amberly Primary
- Charlie Panic
- Classic Chocolate Panic Faces
- Alfie Panic
- The Chocolate Panic Scream by Edvard Munch
- Panic at Forest Hall
- Percy Main Primary Shock!
- St. Benedict’s Panic!!
- Percy Main Primary Chocolate Disaster!
- Percy Main Primary Chocolate Panic!
- Percy Main Primary Chocolate Horror!
- Great Panic Faces
- Percy Main Primary Chocolate Horror!
- Shocking Chocolate Stories!
- Home Alone Chocolate Panic Face