I recently did a webinar for the lovely folk at Collins Big Cat about my own experiences of being a ‘reluctant reader’ and some of the things I’ve learned from talking to children like me.
I’ve tried to be as honest as I can about this subject as there are often some misunderstandings as to why some children don’t engage with books. I hope it’s of some use for all of those amazing people who work so hard to encourage a love of stories in our young readers.
I didn’t engage with books as a child, and I will be talking about my own experiences on this subject.
I’m also going to bang on about the importance of stories, the problems with book snobbery and I’ll also try to dispel the myths that some ‘readers’ may have about ‘non-readers’, while hopefully offering some practical solutions.
I’ve been very lucky. Stories (if not books) have ALWAYS played an important part of my life. Anyone who knows me through my various career incarnations will know I’ve always had my head in the clouds. Eventually becoming a reader made a university education possible for me, as a mature student. And now, working in a world of stories is still unbelievable.
ALL children, regardless of upbringing, should have the same opportunities as everyone else – whether or not they decide to take them.
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