Daily archives: 25/07/2022

An Ambassadors Party!

Chris Callaghan, Ambassador, Children's Book Award

It’s an honour to be an Ambassador for the new Children’s Book Award alongside SF Said, Andy Seed and Christina Gabbitas (who is also the creator and organiser of the award).

It is especially lovely as this is an awards scheme that will be judged by children from ten primary schools, teachers and libraries in less privileged areas. More details to follow soon.

Exciting times ahead ….

Chocoplot’s World Travels

The Great Chocoplot, Chris Callaghan, Australia, itsalibrarianlife

It’s always exciting to see where in the world my books turn up.

Here is a fantastic pile of books in a beautiful school library in Perth, Western Australia. They have been selected by librarian and huge book champion, Michelle. Please check out her Instagram account, @itsalibrarianlife, which is packed with great book recommendations and general library fun.

And look at what is at the top of this epic stack – The Great Chocoplot!!

Thank you, Michelle, for bringing such marvellous variety into your library and for choosing Chocoplot. It is an honour to be there!